Health protection colleagues met for their annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) event and were delighted to be joined by Professor Dame Jenny Harries, Chief Executive of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).
With a jam-packed agenda including themed workshops, speakers also included Dr Fiona Lemmens, Associate Medical Director at NHS Cheshire & Merseyside and Dr Sam Ghebrehewet, Health Protection Director for UKHSA North West. Thara Raj, Director of Public Health in Warrington and lead for Health Protection in Cheshire and Merseyside chaired.
The event focused on learning more about national, regional and subregional plans for health protection, the current challenges for the NHS and gave delegates a chance to input into discussions about the future health protection system in Cheshire and Merseyside.
Professor Dame Jenny Harries, said following the event:
“I was delighted to join colleagues in Cheshire and Merseyside and was impressed by your collaborative approach to protecting health. It was fantastic to hear how colleagues have worked effectively together during the pandemic and how you are taking steps to prepare for and respond to future health hazards. I look forward to continuing to work together in partnership with you all to protect the health of our communities.”
Following the event, thinking and feedback from delegates will inform the local action plan for health protection.
Please watch the event recording on the Collaborative’s YouTube channel here.