People who have been bereaved or impacted by suicide are being encouraged to volunteer to help run and support Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SoBS) groups in Cheshire and Merseyside.
SoBS groups help thousands of people every year who are bereaved by suicide, but unfortunately there is still a huge demand. The Collaborative is working with Amparo and SoBS to increase the number of local support groups so that those who are impacted have a place to go to get the support they need.
The volunteer-led groups typically meet once a month and last for around two hours. There is no set structure to the session, people are free to talk and listen as they wish. Many groups also offer a small resource library and can share information about local sources of support.
Angela Samata, Ambassador for Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SoBS) and Member of Cheshire and Merseyside Suicide Reduction Partnership Board, said:
“These free peer support groups are a vital resource for many of our local residents who are bereaved by suicide and understandably require support and care from others who can relate and offer their shared experiences. We have a dedicated and passionate network of volunteers across the country who help organise and run these groups and I would encourage anyone who feels they could become a volunteer to come forward. I know through personal experience that this selfless act could potentially help a lot of people who are currently looking for some kind of support.”
If you or anyone you know over the age of 18 has been bereaved or impacted by suicide loss and would be interested in volunteering to help others bereaved by suicide please contact: [email protected].
To find out more about SoBS groups, click here.