What was the Public Health issue?
Smoking Cessation
What was done to address the issue?
- Ensuring we maintain smoke free site
- Amended the smoking cessation assessment tool for staff to use more in-depth to ensure accurate assessment and correct pharmacotherapy support is given
- Staff training: E-leaning modules available, MECC and VBA smoking cessation
- Face to face smoking cessation training for 4 uniquely identified groups focused on prescribing pharmacotherapies
- Smoking cessation repository available on staff intranet for signposting
What was the outcome of the intervention?
- LHCH is pleased to have achieved GREEN in the annual Smokefree NHS Survey carried out by Public Health England.
- LHCH scored 7 out of 7 and is rated as GREEN which means that the Trust is considered to have demonstrated positive steps towards comprehensive smokefree status, defined as:
- every frontline professional discussing smoking with their patients
- stop smoking support offered on site or referral to local services
- no smoking anywhere in NHS buildings or grounds
- Public Health England informed us that they are very pleased to see trusts scoring highly in this survey. This gives them assurances that trusts are in a good place to continue developing their policies and practice further
- Uptake of MECC training >90% for uniquely identified staff
- >70% for smoking VBA module launched Oct 2018
- Met the milestones set out within the risky behaviours CQUIN
- Positive culture for smoking cessation
- Overall throughout the year 2018-19
- 87% patients offered a referral to smoking cessation services
- 95% patients having smoking assessment
- >90% patients receiving Brief intervention
- Brief interventions now recorded as delivered with in line with MECC training .
- Patients are prescribed a variety of evidenced based pharmacotherapies based on individual assessments